
MALUKU - The Prosecutor's Office is investigating allegations of corruption in Maluku Provincial Government grant funds for the Maluku Scout Movement Regional Kwartir (Kwarda) for the 2022 budget year worth IDR 2.5 billion.

"There is still an in-depth investigation after the summons of a number of related parties who are suspected of knowing the flow of funds to be confirmed by the prosecutor," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Wahyudi Kareba in Ambon, Monday, August 21, confiscated by Antara.

In addition to conducting an in-depth investigation, Wahyudi continued, the prosecutor also temporarily collected evidence for further investigation.

"So the process is still ongoing according to the applicable legal mechanism," said Wahyudi.

In July 2023, Kajati Maluku, Edyward Kaban, instructed the local Attorney General's Office to conduct a review of alleged irregularities in grant funds from regional apparatus organizations of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to Malukuwarda after being reported by the mass media.

Since receiving this information, Kajati immediately forwarded it to the Maluku Attorney General's Office for follow-up and a number of related parties had been summoned to be confirmed.

"I will continue to Asintel to conduct a study and deepen it first in order to trace the extent of the news to the public regarding the summons of related agencies to Commission IV of the Maluku DPRD to hold a meeting to discuss the Governor's Raperda LPJ for the 2022 fiscal year," he said.

He said he was still following the progress of his case and he assured that the prosecutor was not afraid or whatever the reason was, as long as there were two strong preliminary pieces of evidence, it was followed up.

The Maluku Prosecutor's Office has no burden, and anyone who will be involved in irregularities will not hesitate to take action and indiscriminately.

"Believe me, I am Edyward Kaban as Kajati Maluku who will not resign if anyone involved is there because I was assigned by the leadership to carry out law enforcement tasks," he said.

So that in the future, if there are two strong pieces of evidence and have met the requirements in this case, the prosecutor will follow up.

Previously, Chairman of Commission IV of the Maluku DPRD, Samson Roofary, said that the Maluku Scout Movement Kwarda management conveyed to the commission that there was a grant of Rp. 2.5 billion from the provincial government to Kwarda as stated in the LPJ Governor for the 2022 fiscal year.

"The management of Kwarda said that the Kwarda accountability report was allegedly fictitious because there was no activity, but there was a budget used and it was not yet known which source of the grant funds was from the OPD," he said.

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