
SEMARANG - Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that Central Java will become the province with the same line in supporting national programs. That is the reflection taken by Ganjar that interprets the 78th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

The statement was made after attending the State Reception for the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Central Java Province, at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Central Java Governor's Office Complex Thursday, August 17 evening.

According to him, provinces should be able to become leg extensions from the central government in executing programs in the regions.

"In the Central Java Provincial Government, how do we provide assistance to the national community. So that we become national feet, so that we can execute all programs that are national in nature," he said.

Ganjar said that this vision could be realized by the commitment of regional heads at the district and city levels. So that the execution of the national program can be a straight line resolved.

"This means that the national team has programs, provinces support it. Then the city district supports it so that in one straight line the execution can be carried out properly," he said.

On that occasion, Ganjar invited various elements of society. Starting from Paskibraka and his family, veterans, community leaders, religious leaders to the TNI/Polri.

"Thank you for the post-brake working very well, today we invited veterans for us to share the joy and attention," he said.

At this moment, Ganjar again appreciated the good performance given by ASN in the Central Java Provincial Government, the city district government, to the village level.

"So they make achievements and I think it's a good offering for us to give to the nation and state," he said.

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