
JAKARTA - Kapolsek Kebayoran Baru, Kompol Tribuana explained about the fire incident that hit the F2 hotel in Panglima Polim, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Tribuana explained that in the F2 hotel which caught fire on Friday, August 18, early that morning, there was no air ventilation. It is suspected that this caused the victim to die because there was too much smoke.

"Because there is no ventilation in the room, so there is shortness of breath." Tribuana said when confirmed, Friday afternoon, August 18.

As of Friday morning, police officers had not been able to enter the crime scene (TKP) because the hotel was still emitting a lot of smoke.

"We haven't been able to enter the crime scene because last night the smoke was still rising. So we let it go until the smoke disappears." he continued.

When asked whether the three victims died consciously or not, Tribuana could not confirm yet, because he was still waiting for further examination. However, Tribuana ensured that there was no air ventilation in the room because the bedroom window was closed.

"Possibly like that. Because there is no ventilation." In short.

The fire at the F2 Hotel occurred in the early hours of Friday, August 18. Three people died. According to information, the death toll consists of 2 women and 1 male.

Some of the victims were taken to Fatmawati Hospital.

Until now, police officers are still investigating the scene.

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