
KUPANG - Different from other regions in Indonesia, residents of Oetutulu Village, Northwest Rote District, Rote Ndao Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province have a unique way of riding Hus' horse as an army to participate in the celebration of the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence, this Thursday.

The Head of the Rote Ndao Resort Police, AKBP Mardiono, as the Inspector of ceremonies at the celebration of the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in Rote Barat Laut District, admitted that he was proud and touched when he saw Rote Ndao residents participate in the ceremony by riding Hus, which was still preserved by Rote Ndao residents for generations.

He said the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which was held on the central island of Indonesia as a form of love for the country by preserving ancestral traditions or traditional culture using the Hus Horse to participate in official ceremonies in Rote Ndao Regency.

"This is unique and interesting, all officials and participants are people from the equestrian squad in full traditional clothes, we came only as an invitation, all the ideas and the whole series were carried out by the residents themselves, this is extraordinary," said Police Chief Mardiono, quoted from ANTARA.

He hopes that the culture of the Rote Ndao residents will continue to be maintained and become assets that must be preserved.

After the ceremony, the horse riders, complete with Ti's hat attributes, i Lambga as the traditional Rote Ndao hat while holding the Red and White Flag, then performed a formation that formed the 7th and 8th age symbols from the Republic of Indonesia with success which was witnessed by around 800 local residents.

Not only that, the excitement of celebrating the Independence Day on Rote Island, Ndao, which borders the Australian region, followed by the performance of the Kebalai dance, Foti dance, Kampung Silat to pinang climbing.

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