
TANGERANG - The heroic action was carried out by Zani Abdillah (22) who climbed the flagpole at 12 meters high. This happened because the flagpole rope when the red and white wave was cut off. "No one rose, no one stepped forward. I really took the initiative to climb the rope," Zani told reporters in East Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, August 17. Zani during the commemoration ceremony of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia was on duty at the location of the ceremony. He worked as a sound system officer. At that time all the ceremony participants were amazed. The flag rope broke suddenly. The flag-raising ceremony had stopped for a moment. Zani who was under the tent immediately ran. The distance of the soundsystem tent with the flagpole was about 50 meters.

Zani langsung merayap naik tiang bendera tetap pakai alas kaki. Meski banyak orang teriak agar sepatunya dilepas tak digubris. Pemuda itu terus naik sampai ke pucuk tiang. Sementara hembusan angin cukup kencang tak menggugurkan niatnya.Tentara berseragam dibantu pegawai Kecamatan Ciputat memegangi tiang bendera di bagian bawah. Tali tiang bendera yang putus selanjutnya dipasang kembali oleh petugas pasukan pengibar bendera merah putih.Zani kemudian turun merosot ke bawah. Aksinya mirip seekor cicak yang sedang memanjat tiang bendera.Upacara pengibaran bendera merah putih pun dapat dilanjutkan lagi. “Saya tarik ke bawah, saya kasih ke Paskibra, udah disitu langsung disambung,” ucapnya.

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