JAKARTA - A number of members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD received hearings with residents who are members of the Capital City Coalition demanding the Control of Jakarta Air Pollution.
After receiving demands from residents, the chairman of the NasDem faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD proposed the formation of a special committee (special committee) to investigate the problem of air pollution in the capital city.
"We agreed to immediately propose a Special Committee to speak specifically about pollution problems in DKI Jakarta, that is one of the concrete things that the DPRD can do," said Wibi at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Wednesday, August 16.
In Government Regulation Number 12 of 2018, the special committee was formed in a plenary meeting at the suggestion of DPRD members. Most of the special committee members were formed on 25 people, consisting of members of the related commission proposed by each faction.
Wibi said, if formed later, the DPRD Special Committee would explore the extent of the DKI Provincial Government's policy in controlling air quality in Jakarta, starting from efforts to reduce motorized vehicles by structuring pedestrian paths for pedestrians, evaluating bicycle lanes, to increasing the use of public transportation.
In addition, the DPRD wants to know what steps have been taken by the DKI Provincial Government in carrying out motor vehicle emission tests to law enforcement for air pollution perpetrators.
"This is a vital right that we must do together. How far have the data available by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government arrived today? We ask for a clear audit of how many motorized vehicles have not tested emissions on how many industries today, PLTU and so on are sources of pollutants," explained Wibi.
A number of residents today held a demonstration in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall building, followed by an audience with members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD at the DPRD building.
There are four demands made by this coalition. One of them is asking the government to stop providing fake solutions in an effort to restore Jakarta's air quality.
Then, ask the government to stop looking for reasons to relinquish the responsibility for controlling air pollution. The coalition also encourages policy reform and openness of public information related to industries, factories, and coal power plants that contribute to air pollution.
Furthermore, the coalition urges the government as a defendant and is also a defendant in the citizen lawsuit case against the Jakarta air pollution lawsuit which was won at the Central Jakarta District Court on September 16, 2021.
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