
Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked regional heads and leaders of regional apparatus organizations (OPD), including the state civil apparatus (ASN) to be an inspiration for the implementation of a clean and innovative bureaucracy.

"I hope that all ASN will continue to lead the OPD and regional heads to be inspirators to encourage all ASN we can innovate," said Ganjar after delivering directions and presenting the 2023 Central Java Award Competency Development award at the Sasana Widya Praja Building, Central Java Province BPSDMD Complex, Semarang, Monday, August 14, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Central Java Bangkom Award is given to ASN, Central Java Provincial Government agencies or OPD, and districts/cities in Central Java that have succeeded in developing competence properly, including improving quality and innovation in bureaucratic reform efforts, as well as providing the best service to the community.

According to Ganjar, good quality in public services will have a positive impact on many things, such as in the world of economy and business, which will have an impact on good business.

In addition, the good quality of service will increase public satisfaction with the government or bureaucracy.

"That is the local government's 'performance', so we need to do sharing sessions, sharing experiences must be done, and this award is to inspire others," he said.

Ganjar revealed that bureaucratic reform in Central Java Province is now much better, which has been proven by many regions to receive awards at the national level.

However, he does not deny that there are still some problems at some point so that improvements are always made every year so that people get the best service.

"So I order them to become good bureaucrats and full of integrity, so that is something that becomes an achievement. If they are clean, there is no need to be uncomfortable and then they can serve quickly. That's what the community is really waiting for," he said.

The 2023 Central Java Bangkom Award, the Widyaiswara category and the best facilitators were won by Yuni Indarti, Risti Rahmawati, and Wahyu Istianti.

The best OPD category was achieved sequentially by Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto, Health Service, RSJ Arif Zainuddin Surakarta, and Central Java Provincial Inspectorate.

Then, for the district/city category with the best Bangkom, the Semarang City BKPP, the Purworejo Regency BKPSDM, the Cilacap Regency BKPPD, the Surakarta City BKPSDM, the Demak Regency BKPP, and the Tegal Regency BKPSDM.

Meanwhile, Head of the State Administration Agency (LAN) of the Republic of Indonesia Adi Suryanto said Central Java Province is a pioneer in competency development and the Central Java Award Bangkom is a trigger for enthusiasm that should be appreciated, especially since the government has the goal of building a "world class government".

"ASN can do many things as long as they are given the opportunity and trust. Then regions with good ASN must always have good leaders, one example in Central Java Province. The 'leadership' factor is very important to maintain commitment," he said.

He added that to be able to create bureaucratic reform has an impact, all ASN in Indonesia must be willing to learn and the government's task is to facilitate by preparing the learning equipment.

"ASN must be willing to learn. Bureaucratic reform has this impact, which is aimed at several things, especially in poverty and stunting, so every leadership training, projects that are made must be able to contribute to bureaucratic reform has an impact," he said.

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