SULTRA - Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Food Crops and Livestock Service (Distanak) said the Jembrana virus attacked 22 livestock in the Southeast Sulawesi region.
Head of Disanak Sultra LM Rusdin Jaya said the virus was found in four districts in Southeast Sulawesi.
"Previously it only attacked cattle in two districts, now the results of field identification, there are four districts identified as Jembrana virus," he said in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Monday, August 14, which was confiscated by Antara.
Jembrana disease is an infectious animal disease in Balinese cows caused by the virus. The Jembrana disease outbreak first occurred in Bali in 1964. The economic loss caused at the time of the outbreak was quite large because the morbidity and mortality rate were relatively high. In addition, Jembrana disease can attack the immune system, so that animals are susceptible to other diseases.
He said that the four districts identified by the Jembrana Virus were based on the results of the sample test, including East Kolaka Regency (Koltim), Bombana, Konawe, and North Konawe Regency (Konut).
"The districts of Koltim are 13 cows, Bombana are five, Konawe are three, Konut Regency is one. A total of 22 are all and not all of the livestock are dead," he said.
He explained that cases of the Jembrana virus that attacked livestock in the four districts had been reported to the central government for prevention for its spread to other areas or to other livestock.
For the first step, his party vaccinated the livestock to avoid livestock that died suddenly. Because, it can affect the population in the region.
"Friends in the field always monitor the symptoms, we hope that later we can localize them so they don't get lost in other districts," he said.
Even so, he said, the identified livestock infected with the Jembrana Virus is not dangerous for human consumption.
"Currently, the most important of us is to maintain livestock traffic between districts and provinces that go in and out whether they are healthy or not," said LM Rusdin Jaya.
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