JAKARTA - A grandfather with the initials U (72) from Tasikmalaya, West Java, can only surrender when dealing with members of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim. Kake U was found guilty and became a suspect because of the molestation case against a underage girl with the initials AA (7).
Information said Grandpa U carried out his depraved act on Jalan Cipinang Muara 3, Cipinang Muara Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta on Friday, August 11.
The act of obscenity was revealed after CCTV video footage went viral on social media. Then the CCTV footage was investigated by the East Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit.
After the identity of the perpetrator was discovered, the East Jakarta Metro Police Jatanras Team arrested the suspect. When security was carried out, the suspect admitted his actions.
For further processing, the suspect along with evidence of his clothes and bicycles were brought to Maporestro, East Jakarta.
East Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Fanani said that currently the perpetrators had been arrested and named as suspects.
"The East Jakarta Police picked up the ball, so that the victim's parents made a report. At that time, the perpetrator was arrested by the Jatanras Team and the PPA Unit. The perpetrator's yellow batik was confiscated while in action and school uniforms belonged to the victim. The police also confiscated the perpetrator's bicycle," said AKBP Fanani to reporters, Monday, August 14.
The suspect with the initials U works as a mobile sofa serviceman. The obscene act was carried out when the suspect went around the work. When meeting the victim in an alley on Jalan Cipinang Muara 3, the suspect launched his depraved act.
"The perpetrator admitted that because his desire was rising. Or the perpetrator's desire was being sought," he said.
As a result of his actions, the suspect with the initials U was charged with Article 76e in conjunction with Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 16 of 2017 for amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection. The threat of imprisonment is 15 (15teen) years or a fine of Rp. 5,000,000,000, - (five billion rupiah).
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