After Visiting The Wife Who Was Treated, This Man Stole A Motorbike In The Hospital Courtyard
The suspect was a vehicle thief in the parking lot of the NTB Hospital with the initials IH (ANTARA/Dhimas B.P.)


A visitor to the West Nusa Tenggara Regional General Hospital (RSUD) with the initials IH from Bima Regency was arrested for stealing a motorbike in the parking lot.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama, said that IH's action was revealed from the results of the CCTV footage examination installed in the parking area of the NTB Hospital.

"From the results of the CCTV footage examination, it can be seen that the perpetrator took the victim's vehicle through the parking post. When he left, he gave his vehicle parking ticket," said Yogi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.

The officers did not check the number of the vehicle on the parking ticket, so the perpetrators easily got out carrying the victim's vehicle.

The perpetrator's actions were caught on CCTV based on reports of victims who lost their vehicles to security officers at the NTB Hospital. The officers then checked the CCTV footage and got the perpetrator's action.

Security officers did not take long to arrest the perpetrators. Because a few hours later, the perpetrator returned to the hospital without using the victim's vehicle.

"Security officers who knew the identity of the perpetrator immediately arrested him when he returned to the hospital," he said.

From the results of the police investigation, the perpetrator visited the hospital to see his wife who was undergoing medical treatment.

This crime mode was carried out by IH when he was about to leave the hospital. The perpetrator saw that there was a vehicle whose ignition key was still stuck. The perpetrator also took advantage of the situation by taking the victim's vehicle away.

After successfully getting out of the hospital with his vehicle parking ticket, it was revealed that the perpetrator threw away the plate and kept the victim's vehicle at a friend's house in the Mataram City area.

"So in this case the perpetrator already has malicious intentions because there is an opportunity," he said.

The police have named IH as a suspect under the suspicion of Article 362 of the Criminal Code regarding theft. Against IH, investigators detained him at the Mataram Police Detention Center.

"We have named the perpetrator as a suspect and we are detained in the detention center. So, the legal process is still ongoing at the filing stage," said Yogi.

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