The PDI-P (PDIP) said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) provided a number of inputs to determine the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) who would accompany Ganjar Pranowo. One of them is paying attention to the track record to its origin.
This was conveyed by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto. He said, all the things that President Jokowi said would be a concern for future determinations.
Jokowi reminded him to look at his track record, look at his family, look at his origins, look at his performance, look at his character, ” Hasto told reporters in Bandar Lampung, Thursday, August 10.
Hasto said Jokowi's message was in accordance with the nation's culture which emphasized the importance of seeing leaders from their seeds, bebets, and weights. “ That's a message from Pak Jokowi that we are running well," he said.
Furthermore, Hasto also said that Ganjar's companion in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) was still thinking about PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. The name that is currently being discussed is also based on input from supporting parties as well as the community.
The name of Ganjar's companion has been called Hasto. However, Megawati is still doing contemplation so that she is not wrong in choosing because the person being sought must be able to work to complement each other in the future.
“Cawapres continues to be studied dynamically. Currently, Megawati Soekarnoputri is in Bali. In addition to attending the BRIN event in Bali, Bali is also an excellent place for contemplation,” he said.
The announcement will be made by Megawati together with a party supporting Ganjar. They are the United Development Party (PPP), Hanura, and the Perindo Party.
"Just wait for the right momentum to be announced by Mrs. Mega with the general chairmen of supporters of Mr. Ganjar," concluded Hasto.
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