JAKARTA - Richard Totaling Pudihang Lumiu or Bharada E is currently spending time with his family. This moment occurred after he received a conditional leave from the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and left the prison.
"It's out and is now with the family," said Bharada E's lawyer, Ronny Talapessy, to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday night, August 8.
Ronny said his client was in good health. The former subordinate of the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Ferdy Sambo, will continue to be supervised by the Directorate General of PAS during his conditional leave.
The community, continued Ronny, is expected to pray for the convict in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.
"Please pray and support all for Icad during the leave process, we are still under the supervision of the Directorate General of PAS of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," he said.
Bharada E should have been released purely in January next year. He was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in the murder case.
In this conditional leave process, Bharada E is required to carry out several programs before returning to the community. Among them are following the guidance provided by the Community Guidelines.
Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo who was sentenced to death received a correlation from the Supreme Court (MA). He will now serve a life sentence according to the cassation decision he filed.
The Supreme Court judge not only gave a discount to Sambo. His wife, Putri Candrawati, also reduced her sentence from 20 years in prison to 10 years.
This decision was knocked by Supreme Court Justice Suhadi and his four members, Suharto, Jupriyadi, Desnayeti, and Yohanes Priyana. Then, the penalty discount was also given to Ferdy Sambo's two subordinates, Ricky Rizal Wibowo and Strong Ma'ruf.
Ricky received a reduced sentence from 13 years to 8 years in prison. Meanwhile Strong was sentenced to 10 years in prison from 15 years.
The appeal was filed by the defendants in this case because they objected to the decision made by the South Jakarta District Court (PN) and was upheld by the DKI High Court (PT).
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