
The head of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership of Central Java, Tafsir said Governor Ganjar Pranowo was the head of the region who was most often present at Muhammadiyah activities. Therefore, Muhammadiyah's relationship and Central Java Provincial Government are well established and familiar. This was conveyed by Tafsir after receiving the presence of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the PW Muhammadiyah office in Semarang, Monday 7 August. Also accompanying the Chairman of PW Aisyiyah Central Java Eny Winaryati. "The relationship between Muhammadiyah and the Central Java Provincial Government is very good and there is no governor present at Muhammadiyah events as much as Mr. Ganjar," he said. Interpret said, this is part of Ganjar's pious deeds as Governor of Central Java. According to him, the things that Muhammadiyah's input and wishes were also assisted by Ganjar. He also thanked Ganjar for the good collaboration in advancing Muhammadiyah Central Java. "So hopefully the good deeds he did could be his wasil to become president in 2024," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said his visit to PWNU and PW Muhammadiyah in addition to staying in touch and saying goodbye. Because, while leading Central Java, the two religious organizations have supported the program a lot. "This is participation with two large Islamic organizations in Central Java because our intensity in good communication then this friendship cannot be broken. So earlier I asked NU to say goodbye, today sowan went to Muhammadiyah to say goodbye. We are happy to get a lot of input," he said.

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