
The Mataram City Police (Polresta) has alerted around 200 security personnel to prevent the recurrence of the conflict between residents of the Monjok neighborhood with Karang Taliwang, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"In general, the situation at the location to date is conducive. However, we still place security personnel at the Monjok border with Karang Taliwang. Every day we prepare 200 personnel," said Head of the Mataram Police, Kombes Pol Mustofa in Mataram, Monday, August 7, confiscated by Antara.

In an effort to prevent social conflict from happening again, said Mustofa, the NTB Police are ready to assist the Mataram Police in preventing all forms of disturbances in security and public order (kamtibmas) in the area.

"The NTB Police are also ready with all the assistance of personnel. We have also prepared a platoon of Mobile Brigade (car brigade) with complete weapons," he said.

Mustofa also emphasized that his party would take firm action in the field, if the conflict was still repeated.

"In principle, the National Police will never lose by the name of thuggery and rioting makers. If it continues to repeat itself, I apologize if later the authorities carry out strict legal action in the field," he said.

He also revealed that his party had identified residents from both neighborhoods who controlled homemade firearms or sharp weapons.

"To those who still have sharp weapons or homemade firearms used to provoke riots, we ask to immediately hand them over to the Mataram Police," he said.

In an effort to secure it, the Mataram Police on Sunday night, August 6, also conducted a sweep of several places in the two neighborhoods which became the location to install firecrackers suspected of being a means of provocation of conflicts between residents.

"Last night's sweeping results were found in several gardens and tombs which turned out to be used to install firecrackers. How to install them using a Timer for mosquito medicine. So, when installed, there was about an hour when the firecrackers were lit which resulted in the gathering of masses," he said.

Mustofa said that his party had followed up on the motives that caused the conflict between residents by arresting and naming three people from the Karang Taliwang neighborhood as suspects for alleged mistreatment of two people from the Monjok neighborhood.

"With the legal handling of the motive for the conflict between residents, we hope that there will be no more residents who carry out acts of provocation of the conflict between residents," he said.

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