
RIAU - Street vendors (PKL) who sell on the Maredian Bridge, Perawang, Riau Province, are brought under control. On average, street vendors are disciplined using motorbike rickshaws.

Head of the Traffic Unit of the Tualang Police, Iptu A. Ramadhan, assessed that the location of the selling was apart from being narrow and causing traffic jams and endangering traders.

"This has the potential to endanger road users crossing the bridge. On the other hand, this is to restore the function of the bridge according to its designation," he said, Friday, August 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

In this activity, Ramadhan appealed to traders not to sell anymore on the bridge. With the activity of traders, it is very clear that they invite road users to stop shopping while enjoying the atmosphere from the high bridge.

"This activity is a joint effort of the Tualang Sub-district Government to create a security situation for the safety of traffic safety and smoothness. Minimizing traffic accidents and for the sake of maintaining public order and maintaining public facilities so that they are well maintained in terms of cleanliness and the strengthening of this bridge," he said.

Furthermore, some traders were directed to the Tualang Police for warnings and education. In addition, they were also asked to make a written statement not to sell anymore on the Maredan Bridge.

One of the minibus drivers, Rival said that he always crossed this bridge to go to work. He admitted that he felt a bit hampered because there was a buying and selling activity on the bridge.

"I go to Pangkalan Kerinci every day, Pelalawan. Indeed, it is disturbed by the existence of selling activities on the bridge," he said.

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