
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono emphasized that there was no impunity within the TNI, including in handling bribery cases involving two TNI officers, namely TNI Intermediate Marshal Henri Alfiandi (HA) and Lieutenant Colonel Admi Afri Budi Cahyanto (ABC). Yudo asked the public not to worry because the legal process against the two officers continued. Currently, the case has entered the investigation stage. "Of course I ask the public not to worry about it because I see from the discussion so far it is as if the TNI has entered the wrong military court there is impunity. Nothing. Show which impunity was received by TNI soldiers, if (they did) wrong, ” Admiral Yudo said during a press conference after opening the TNI Cup Commander at Perkasa Stadium, TNI Headquarters, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 4. Yudo explained that no soldier is above the law or accepts impunity because the legal process within the TNI is regulated in statutory provisions, including Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts. He gave an example that the panel of military justices had sentenced TNI soldiers involved in corruption cases, namely Brigadier General Teddy Hernayadi, who in 2016 was sentenced to life imprisonment for being found guilty in a corruption case in the procurement of defense equipment at the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. The panel of judges at that time fired Teddy from the TNI and ordered him to return the state loss of 12,409 US dollars or around Rp130 billion. " “ Yes, we carry it out like that. We comply with the law. If we want to change and so on we submit to the state's political decisions. We are implementing this. This is a state political decision, yes we carry it out, ” said Yudo. On the same occasion, he invited the public to directly follow the legal process of the bribery case at the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) involving HA as Head of Basarnas (Kabasarnas) and ABC as Koorsmin Kabasarnas. "If you are still in doubt, please let's see what the prison is like, what kind of investigation is it, please. So, don't always say New Order products, we are all New Order products. We, admit it or not, all New Order products, because we were going through all of them at that time. So, don't keep accusing the TNI of being a New Order product. All New Order products. Come on, let's admit it or not,” Yudo said. He added that there were many changes in the TNI's body after the New Order, which was the result of the government's political decisions.
“Of course, we have changed according to the government's political decisions. We have changed, changed, and changed. If we don't believe it. Come on, come to the TNI. We are not closed to it. To discuss, coordinate, and stay in touch. We are now open. Far compared to the past. We are the next generations. We don't really know about the New Order because I only followed it first, because I am still junior and all of us. Now, we are all leaders. Of course we will all submit to the government's political decisions,” said Yudo Margono.

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