
JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) found new facts in the trial of the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS). The project auction prequalification committees turned out to be 'tricked' by hundreds of millions.

The disclosure of this fact began when Chief Judge Fahzal Henri questioned witness Darien Aldiano as Head of the BAKTI Legal Division as well as Deputy Chairman of the Working Group for Procurement of Providers about whether or not there was a fee obtained when he was the tender committee for the 4G BTS project.

"Is there an honorarium for that committee?" asked Chief Judge Fahzal during a trial at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, August 3.

"There is no pokja honorarium," said Darien.

"From the others did you get it?" said Chief Judge Fahzal.

"I got it from Windi Purnama at the assembly," said Darien.

Then, Darien said he got Rp500 million in cash. The money was divided among five people who were included in the tender committee for the 4G BTS project auction.

"Masing 500 each?" asked the judge.

"Each one is different," said Darien.

"How much did you get yourself?" said the judge.

"150," said Darien.

"That's right?" said the judge.

"That's right," said Darien.

Windi Punama, who is known to be the money giver, is a confidant of the Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan.

However, Darien claims not to know if Windi is included in the 4G BTS consortium or not.

The Head of the BAKTI Legal Division only admitted that the money was handed over a year after the auction process, precisely in 2021.

"When did you get it after or before the auction?" asked the judge.

"One year later it was around the end of 2021," Darien replied.

For information, in this case, Johnny G. Plate was charged with committing a criminal act of corruption in the provision of 4G BTS infrastructure and supporting infrastructure for BAKTI Kominfo for the 2020-2022 period which cost the state finances Rp8,032,084,133,795.51.

In the indictment, it was stated that a number of parties benefited from the construction project, namely Johnny G. Plate received money amounting to Rp17,848,308,000.00; Anang Achmad Latif received Rp5 billion; Yohan Suryanto received Rp453,608,400.00.

Furthermore, Irwan Hermawan received IDR 119 billion; Windi Purnama as Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera received IDR 500 million; Muhammad Yusrizki as Director of PT Basat Utama Prima received IDR 50 billion and 2.5 million US dollars; FiberHome Consortium PT Telkominfra PT Multi Trans Data (PT MTD) for Package 1 and 2 received IDR 2,940,870,824,490.00; Consortium Linta Huawei SEI for package 3 received IDR 1,584,914,620,955.00; and Consortium IBS and ZTE Package 4 and 5 received IDR 3,504,518,715,600,00.

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