JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo said the Ministry of Agriculture prepared around 10 thousand plants with polybags in the yard of residents of Puncak Regency, Central Papua, to meet food needs in the area.
Minister of Agriculture Syahrul explained that there were three steps prepared for the next three months.
"My agenda is that there are more than 10 thousand polybag plants in the yard around the house, because there are six districts, one district that has problems and cannot be careless because this is at the top there and there is a little problem there," said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul when met at the Presidential Palace. Jakarta reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.
The Minister of Agriculture will also concentrate the City of Timika in Central Papua to supply food.
Then for the permanent agenda, the Minister of Agriculture plans to create a buffer land around Puncak Regency, because the food barn or "food estate" project is only prepared for consumption needs in West Papua.
Regarding the case of the death of six residents of Central Papua, the Minister of Agriculture denied the cause of hunger, but due to diarrhea that led to dehydration.
"According to the Regional Secretary and the local Kadis, they are not starving but diarrhea. The first day they vomited during the day 20 times, at night they were diarrhea. Dehydration," said the Minister of Agriculture.
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Vice President Ma'ruf Amin previously said the government was looking for alternative ways to overcome the problem of bad weather in distributing aid to Puncak Regency, Central Papua, resulting in crop failure and making it difficult for residents to get food.
"It's just that the distribution to places that are indeed facing obstacles that are being sought; apart from (with) this dipanggu, what is the solution," said Ma'ruf Amin.
The Vice President explained that currently the emergency response period is enforced for one week and will be increased to two weeks.
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