
The KUDUS - District Attorney (Kejari) of Kudus Regency, Central Java, immediately clarified the report on the alleged sale and purchase of the position of Director of the Regional Company Tirta Muria Kudus or PDAM.

"The clarification is a follow-up to a forward letter from the Central Java High Prosecutor's Office following reports of allegations that he can position someone as the director of Perusda Tirta Muria Kudus by paying a certain amount of money, so it is still being clarified," said Head of the Kudus District Attorney's Office Henriyadi W. Putro as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 1.

Related to this, he said, his party has also issued a letter to clarify parties who can be asked for clarification.

Among them, the selection committee team (Pansel) served as Director of Perusda Tirta Muria Kudus.

The Pansel team, he said, would be asked for clarification whether the selection process had been carried out according to the correct mechanism or what kind.

"Including all requirements that are required, so that those who pass do meet the requirements as mandated by the law," he said.

Kasi Intel Kejari Kudus Arga Maramba added that the report was received by the Central Java Prosecutor's Office in July 2023. The Holy Prosecutor's Office followed up.

In the report received by the Central Java Prosecutor's Office, there is an alleged sale and purchase of the position of Director of Perumda Tirta Muria worth Rp. 2 billion. Meanwhile, the truth is still in the stage of following up on the report.

"Meanwhile, data collection (Puldata) and information materials (Pulbaket) can be carried out while walking," he said.

Related to this, the President Director of Perumda Tirta Muria Kudus Winarno when contacted by telephone had no response.

PDAM President Director Tirta Muria for the period 2023-2028 was inaugurated from February 1, 2023. Before being inaugurated, the position of elected director had gone through a series of selection processes with the selection committee team (Pansel).

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