JAKARTA - The condition of the aerial cables in Jakarta is already very concerning. The buildup of cables, because many networks make conditions like tangled kite threads. This is indeed the responsibility of the government, and recently the Central Jakarta Highways Sub-dept. (BM Sub-dept.) has brought order to a number of aerial cables that are messy at a number of points.
"What is clear is that we will secure (air cables) first. We will tie what is still a mess first. It is still going on, because there is no specific period of routine," said Head of the Highways Sub-dept., Soleh when confirmed by VOI, Monday, July 31.
However, the control of the aerial cables was only carried out by tying the aerial cables without moving them to the underground mainhole. This is because the process of transferring aerial cables underground is not under the authority of the Central Jakarta BM Sub-dept., but the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Office.
"Policies in the province (transferring cables to mainholes). Because there is no such activity in the Sub-Department," he said.
Meanwhile, to anticipate accidents due to cables, residents crossing the highway and pedestrians, the Central Jakarta BM Sub-dept. continues to do it manually.
"If there is a chaotic cable, our officers will clean it up, if someone beats it, we will tidy it up so it doesn't disturb people who pass," he said.
Head of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency, Hari Nugroho, said that the implementation of the integrated utility network system (SJUT) in the form of transferring utility cables from those installed on poles that transversely in the air to underground continues.
Hari targets that the work on transferring cables into the ground is targeted to be completed in about five years. Thus, by 2027 to 2028, Jakarta is targeted to be free from cables that are as chaotic as depending on the air.
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