
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds families to play a role in preventing corruption. Husbands or wives should not just believe when money goes into the pockets of their partners who serve as state administrators. Families should be a support system in preventing corruption. Wives or partners are not only treasurers who record money in and out but must be auditors who check where the money comes from, said Head of the Business World and Family Task Force with Integrity, Directorate of Community Participation Development David Sepriwasa through his written statement, Friday, July 28.David said pairs of officials must be suspicious when there is a significant income that increases. Do not let them even give support to carry out fraudulent practices. Because if the money comes from criminal acts of corruption then the family will also feel and bear its consequences,'' he said. Furthermore, David sees that the mode of corruption is now growing by involving the family. They usually cooperate with officials to rob people's money. Not infrequently, the design comes from the dining table by involving the role of family, husband and wife, father, father, father and son, brothers, brothers and sisters, to relatives. They also rely on securing state money for personal interests or being secured as a cost of perpetuating power,'' he said.

This condition made the anti-corruption commission then launched the Corruption Prevention Trident. Through an educational program, for example, the KPK hopes that the values of integrity will make people aware not to commit corruption.," concluded David.

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