
PONTIANAK - The Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) Team of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Kalimantan thwarted the illegal trade of 63 tweeting birds belonging to the protected species.

"The WRU Team for the Conservation Section of Region III Singkawang together with the Planet Indonesia Foundation rescued 63 tweeting birds protected from illegal trade efforts," said Head of the West Kalimantan BKSDA Wiwied Widodo in Pontianak as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 24.

Of the 63 protected birds, 56 are types of starlings (Loriculus galgulus), 4 are Javanese glasses (Zosterops flavus).

Then 3 king sepah honey birds (Aethopyga siparata). The three of them are protected under Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems.

The disclosure of this case, he said, began with public reports through social media that suspected the illegal trade practice of birds twittering was protected.

"The team is looking for the perpetrator and it is known that the perpetrator is still a student and from his confession he does not know that these animals are protected," said Wiwied.

From the perpetrator's confession, it is known that dozens of birds were obtained by buying from bird traders in Pontianak City.

From the perpetrator's statement, it is also known that most of the birds come from the Kapuas Hulu Regency and will then be traded to the Sambas Regency area.

The WRU team provided guidance and awareness about protected wild plants and animals to the perpetrators and asked the perpetrators to make and sign a statement that they would not repeat their actions.

Currently, continued Wiwied, the rescued birds have been taken to the Bird Rescue and Rehabilitation Center Berkau Wak Gatak for health checks before being released back into their habitat.

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