
SOLO - Kiai and students also read out the pledge of support to the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar, at the peak of the 25th birthday celebration (Harlah) of PKB at the Manahan Stadium Solo, Central Java, Sunday evening, July 23. Kiai Badhawi Basir read out the kiai Haji Basir accompanied by KH Muhammad Abdurrahman Al-Kautsar (Gus Kautsar). The pledge was to win Gus Muhaimin as a presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate in the 2024 election. We Para Kyai, Gus, Nyai, Santri and the Islamic Boarding Boarding Schools have announced to win the PKB in the 2024 election, because PKB is the only party born by PBNU, as a political channel for NU citizens,''' said Badhawi Basir. For the kiai-santri of Gus Imin and PKB's victory in the 2024 Presidential Election is part of an effort to uphold the sovereignty of NU citizens (Nahdliyin) and the glory of Indonesia. PKB as the biological son of PBNU as well as the only political channel of NU citizens. Therefore, kiai, pesantren and santri caregivers will try their best to win PKB. Both kiai and santri, said Kiai Badawi, considered that Gus Imin was the only presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate from the NU circle. For this reason, the kiai, santri, and pesantren will make the winner Gus Imin as president and vice presidential candidate as a grand struggle (jihad).

“Kami para kiai, gus, nyai, santri, dan pengasuh pesantren memaklumatkan sebuah perjuangan akbar untuk mengawal, mengusahakan, dan memastikan Gus Muhaimin sebagai sebagai satu-satunya capres atau cawapres dari NU dalam Pilpres 2024,” katanya menegaskan.Dalam pembacaan ikrar yang diikuti oleh sekitar 60.000 ribu kader PKB itu, Kiai Bahdawi juga mengajak semua kader untuk meminta pertolongan kepada Allah SWT agar hajat memenangkan PKB dan Gus Imin dalam Pemilu 2024 diberikan kemudahan. Sebab tidak ada kekuatan selain kekuatan dari Allah SWT.“Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil, Nikmal maula wanikmannasir. Lahaula walakuwwata illa billahil aliyyil 'adlim,” katanya.

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