
Three suspected perpetrators of sharp armed robbery were arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Babelan Police.

The three perpetrators were Ardhyan alias Andrian alias Kuping (20), Palupi Alfarizi alias Farid (17) and M Nur Rahmadani alias Acong (20).

The arrests of the three perpetrators began with many reports from the public who were worried about the robbery in the Babelan area.

Then members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Babelan Police began to investigate.

"The suspects Adrian and Farid were arrested at their headquarters, namely in the Babelan District area. Meanwhile, the suspect Acong was arrested in Asem Village, Babelan Village, Bekasi Regency," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Babelan Police, AKP Witriondi when confirmed, Sunday, July 23.

Based on his identity, the suspects Andrian and Farid are neighbors who live in RT002/RW004, Babelan Village, Bekasi Regency.

AKP Witrionaldi explained, in their action, the suspects threatened the victim by using a machete and then took the motorbikes of the victims.

The incident occurred in three different locations since Tuesday, March 28, Monday 19 June and Wednesday 21 June.

The three victims have made a report at the Babelan Police.

From the results of the investigation, the police began to search for the identity of the perpetrator.

Then the police found the identities of the suspects Adrian and Farid hanging out at the Sawar Headquarters. Both were arrested.

The evidence confiscated was a Honda Beat motorbike belonging to the victim with the initials M, a Honda Scoopy unit with the number B 5663 FER, a black Honda Vario with the number B 4497 FBU, 1 unit of the Honda Vario white B 3073 FPH, 1 STNK Honda Genio belonging to the victim S and 1 STNK motorcycle beat belonging to the victim GS.

"One sharp machete was also confiscated as evidence. The three perpetrators are still being investigated by the Babelan Police," he said.

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