
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has investigated four criminal elements allegedly committed by Panji Gumilang related to the financial management of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. Starting from the criminal act of embezzlement to corruption. "There are allegations of abuse that indicate criminal acts related to foundations, criminal acts of embezzlement, criminal acts of corruption in BOS funds, to criminal acts related to abuse in zakat management by PG," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Friday, July 21. The alleged occurrence of the four criminal elements was after investigators coordinated with the analysis team of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) and several experts in the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU). The investigative team has also examined three witnesses who are considered to know the flow or distribution of foundation funds and Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. "Has conducted interviews with three witnesses who are aware of the process of distributing these funds," he said. In fact, to strengthen the alleged occurrence of the four criminal offenses, the investigative team has also coordinated with the Ministry of Religion and other relevant agencies. "For the alleged misuse of boss and zakat funds, coordination has also been carried out on three officials who are competent in the ranks of the Ministry of Religion and other relevant agencies," said Ramadhan. Meanwhile, the Director of Special Economic Crimes, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, said that his party would examine the foundation that oversees Al Zaytun in investigating the alleged Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) Panji Gumilang. The plan, there are 10 people who will be questioned.
However, it was not detailed about the identity and timing of the examination of the 10 people. It is only emphasized that the inspection process will be carried out next week. "Approximately 10 people (from the Al Zaytun Foundation)," said Whisnu.

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