
YOGYAKARTA - Currently, there is a lot of crime in ATM skimming or what is commonly called skimming which is a crime by stealing data in ATM cards to drain its contents. So, what is skimming?

What is skimming? Skimming is one of the crimes that target bank customers a lot. The meaning of skimming is a bank account burglary. So skimming is a crime with the aim of breaking into bank customer account data. Generally, the main target of skimming is ATM users who are making transactions.

In carrying out the crime of ATM burglary, it does not require physical contact, but only requires ATM skimming equipment called a skimmer that matches the mouth of the ATM card slot. The working method of ATM skimming is to duplicate information on the magnetic strip on the credit card or ATM debit card.

Later, when ATM skimming equipment is installed, all ATM user activities will automatically be recorded, starting from the information on the ATM card, account number, especially to ATM user PIN. That's why you can fill in the bank customer's balance immediately it has been drained due to this ATM skimming.

Therefore, we need to know more about what skimming is. In this post we will regulate about skimming.

ATM skimming crimes are increasingly coming to the image of ATM users. Because it is possible that the ATM account balance will immediately become drained without knowing why. If this ATM burglary continues to increase, it will raise concerns and create distrust from ATM users to put their money in the bank.

Then, what is skimming? Skimming means ATM account burglary. Referring to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) page, skimming is an act of data theft that is on the magnetic strip of credit cards and debit cards illegally.

Well, this skimming works very nicely and is difficult to find with the naked eye. Because skimming plays a role in wearing installed equipment that can really resemble the original at an ATM machine.

So, the perpetrators of crime will put down an ATM skimming equipment called a skimmer whose shape matches the mouth of the slot at the ATM machine and will install a hidden camera that records the movement of the victim when carrying out transactions at the ATM machine.

From the ATM skimming equipment, the actors will get all the information on the victim's card and the next one will duplicate debit or credit cards into empty cards, after which all the contents of the victim's balance will be drained by the perpetrators of ATM burglary crimes.

Not only can it happen at ATM machines, in fact this skimming action can be established in the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine which is usually in shopping center cashiers. The skimming action method established in the EDC machine can also be tried using 2 methods.

The initial method is the same as the one tried in an ATM machine, which is to install special skimmer equipment on an EDC machine to find information on the victim's card. The next method is to use a more difficult procedure, namely by wire tapping. This procedure is used to tap EDC machine connection information communication channels with cash registers towards the bank or the intended financial institution.

Not only ATM skimming, the crime that often hits bank customers is a scam crime. Scam is a crime by tricking the victim into obtaining money or valuables belonging to the victim. Scammer is the person who commits no scam crime. Generally, the crime of scams links online activities to launch the action. A kind of online lottery prize by filling in the victim's data, which after that the information will be misused.

ATM Skimming Equipment Working Method

As explained above, ATM skimming is a crime in the form of data theft on a debit card or credit card illegally. This ATM skimming crime is very difficult to find with the naked eye.

So what is the ATM skimming work method to conclude that they can break into all the data on the victim's credit card or debit card?

Well, the crime of ATM burglary, aka skimming, is tried very nicely and smoothly. At first, the perpetrator will install an ATM skimming equipment called a skimmer whose shape matches the mouth of the slot at the ATM machine and install a hidden camera at the top of the ATM button cover.

Next, when the victim inserts the card into the ATM machine, ATM skimming equipment is that the skimmer will automatically record all the information on the victim's debit card or credit. The hidden camera will also record the victim's movement when squeezing the PIN button at the ATM machine.

Then, when the actor successfully gets all the information from the ATM card to the victim's PIN number, then the player will duplicate the victim's card to an empty card. After that, the actor can use a duplicated card and spend all the balance of the victim's account.

Method Staying Away From ATM Skimming

Indeed, this crime is difficult to detect and work well. But there are some methods that you can go through to stay away from ATM skimming, to guard the term.

Here are some methods of staying away from ATM skimming, namely:

1. Choose The Right ATM Machine

2. Select Cards that Have Used Chips

3. Observe with Sexama ATM Machines

4. Cardless transactions (Cardless)

5. Cover Your Hands When Entering PIN

6. Changing the ATM Card PIN Periodically

So after knowing what skimming is, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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