
SUMBAR - About 20 hectares of agricultural land in West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) were affected by flooding due to the overflow of the Batang Saman River on Friday, July 14. The peak of the overflowing Batang Saman River has affected the community's agricultural area in Talamau District and Pasaman District. Temporary data collection of 20 hectares was affected," said Head of the Food Crops and Horticulture Service Doddy San Ismail at Simpang Empat, West Sumatra, Saturday, July 15, was confiscated by Antara. He said, in Talamau District, 18 hectares of agricultural land, which consisted of rice, corn and sweet potatoes. The flood resulted in damage to the community rice plant being flooded and eroded by water. Then, in Nagari Aia Gadong Jorong Durian Forest, Pasaman District, 2 hectares of community rice land were damaged by the flood. "Currently officers are still collecting data in the field related to the impact of flooding on existing agricultural land," he said.

His party will later review what actions will be taken to help the affected communities after all the data on the damage was recorded. from the West Pasaman Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) data that occurred on Friday, July 14 in the early hours of the morning, there were 350 units of houses affected in Nagari Aia Gadang Barat, Pasaman District and 50 units in Timbo Abu Kajai, Talamau District. "We continue to monitor in the field regarding the condition of residents. In addition, it also helps residents by distributing a number of basic needs and clean water," said the Head of the West Pasaman BPBD Emergency Division, Afrizal. He appealed to residents to remain careful with the current weather because it still has the potential for rain and aftershocks.

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