
MATARAM - A TNI officer on duty in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Lieutenant One (Lettu) Azyadi was revealed to be one of the victims of fraud in the CPNS recruitment process at the Prosecutor's Office.

Azyadi gave testimony as a witness in the trial of extortion in office with the defendant Eka Putra Raharjo at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, Friday, July 14.

During the trial, Azyadi recounted the beginning of the meeting with the defendant, who is still the functional prosecutor of the NTB Prosecutor's Office. In 2021, Azyadi wants to find a "insider" route so that his son passes as a prosecutor.

"At that time I was introduced to Mr. Eka by a colleague of mine named Sahli," said Azyadi as quoted by ANTARA.

After the introduction, Eka gave advice to Azyadi to prepare Rp100 million.

Eka discussed the money as a loan by providing guarantees in the form of a house located in the Sesela area, West Lombok Regency.

"I gave it in stages. First, it was Rp. 60 million, on August 2, 2021. Three days later I gave the remaining Rp. 40 million," he said.

The TNI officer who now holds the position of Mental Development Officer (Pebintal) Korem 162/Wira Bhakti explained that the Rp100 million money came from a bank loan.

"I took you to BRI. The installment was IDR 3.2 million per month. I deposited it until I retired," he said.

Member judge Fadli Hanra also questioned the fate of his son who took the prosecutor's CPNS test in 2021. Azyadi also revealed that his son did not pass even though he had tried to ask for help from the defendant.

Because he did not pass, Azyadi admitted that he had already collected the defendant. However, the money did not return.

"In that month, I visited his house four times, but in Pak Eka's language there was no money yet," he said.

Regarding the house that is guaranteed, Azyadi said that he could not do anything because the certificate of property rights on behalf of the defendant's wife was still in bank guarantee status.

"If I fix the house, his wife will sue, it's my fault," said Azyadi.

With this case, Azyadi admitted that the bank's credit installment payments now rely only on salaries.

"There is no other income, only from salary," he said.

After the examination, the judge gave the defendant the opportunity to respond to Azyadi's testimony.

To the witness before the trial, the defendant assured him that he would pay off his debt to Azyadi.

"I will definitely return it, that's why I gave the guarantee in the form of the house," said defendant Eka.

In this case, the public prosecutor applied the indictment of Article 11 and/or Article 12 letter e and/or Article 23 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 421 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

From the description of the indictment, Eka is suspected of using his position as a functional prosecutor to extort a number of CPNS participants.

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