
TENGGARONG - Director General of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) Rasul Omarov gave his appreciation to the Indonesian government for the implementation of the 2023 Organization Islamic Cooperation - Cultural Activity (OIC-CA). Omarov assessed that Indonesia had successfully held the event very well, and religious tolerance in Indonesia was also one of the factors that made the event a success.

"I would like to thank the Indonesian government for this good event. I hope for the Indonesian government in particular through the Ministry of Youth and Sports to encourage many young people to participate in events like this OIC-CA 2023," Omarov said in a written statement received by VOI after he followed the City Tour agenda and visited the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate Ing Martadipura, last weekend.

According to Omarov, the Indonesian government is very consistent and really regulates this OIC-CA 2023 activity very well. This can be seen from the careful preparation and smooth implementation. In addition, the Indonesian government also provides opportunities for young people from various countries to participate in the event, even though they are of different religions.

"Representatives of youth who are of different religions, even in countries that are not even from states of OIC members, but they as representatives of minority Muslims from their countries are brought here to discuss and talk about youth issues at this time, culture and so on are still being implemented," he said.

Omarov is very amazed by the religious tolerance in Indonesia. He said, Indonesia is a very pluralistic country, but its people can live side by side in harmony and peace. This can be seen from the many activities that involve various religions, such as the OIC-CA 2023 event.

"This is a good opportunity for young people in Indonesia to participate in getting to know what activities ICYF is doing for youth," added Omarov.

Omarov also hopes that in the future there will be many other Islamic countries that can organize OIC activities such as in Indonesia where the value of the implementation has been very good and smooth.

"Last year this event was in Uganda. And this year in Indonesia. I want other countries to repeat the same experience and success reflecting on Indonesia for this good implementation and hopefully Indonesia will benefit from extraordinary implementation, especially for its young people," concluded Omarov.

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