
JAKARTA - The Mother and Child Welfare Bill (KIA) which is being discussed by the DPR will focus on the interests of mothers and children. Indonesia does need regulations that favor them in welcoming the 2045 golden generation.

This was conveyed by Member of Commission VIII DPR Selly Andriany Change during a conversation with Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro in the 'Ngobrolin DPR' program via live Instagram, Thursday, July 13. In a casual conversation with the theme 'RUU KIA Cado is the most beautiful for Mother and Child', Dr. Reisa explores the extent to which the KIA Bill will be present for the welfare of mother and child.

Selly said the MCH Bill will focus on the first 1,000 Days of child birth (HPK). Starting from pre-pregnancy to pregnancy which will prioritize the fulfillment of nutrition and nutrition for mothers and children.

"With this bill, this is the main focus of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives because we feel that there are concerns about the high mortality rate of mothers, then the high mortality rate for infants and also the stunting rate," said Selly.

Selly continued, the KIA Bill will also regulate the obligations of the Government, both central and regional regarding the implementation of the welfare of mothers and children. Of course, by involving community participation.

"This is the context of attention from members of the Indonesian House of Representatives. We don't want future generations to be hindered by things that will interfere with the sustainability of Indonesia's development towards gold Indonesia," he explained.

Selly also conveyed the importance of exclusive breast milk for children for 6 months which was later extended to 2 years. According to him, this is still not realized, especially for mothers who are also breadwinners.

So the KIA Bill also regulates the provision of infrastructure for working mothers. Starting from adequate lactation rooms in companies, to child care facilities in offices and public facilities.

This means that there is a quota of companies that must prepare the infrastructure needed for housewives who become workers. To provide space for lactation, then there are many more child care rooms. Things like that that that we regulate in this law, "explained Selly.

The KIA Bill also regulates the addition of maternity leave for workers, from the previous 3 months to 6 months.

"I'm working mom, including people who are excited about adding maternity leave because I want Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months to continue for 2 years," said Dr. Reisa.

Selly confirmed the discourse on adding maternity leave for working mothers as regulated in the KIA Bill. Even so, the addition of maternity leave adjusts to the company's ability as a employer.

"We emphasize that the addition of maternity leave is a minimum of 3 months. Then if the business space is able to provide additional maternity leave, it can be extended 3 months later," said the legislator from the West Java VIII electoral district.

In addition to maternity leave for mothers, the MCH Bill also regulates the period of leave for husbands during the assistance of newly given birth wives. Just like with leave for mothers, there is a discourse on adding father leave in the KIA Bill.

"So for mentoring leave at the birth of the child, this husband is given 2 days off to accompany his wife to give birth or additional if something happens. Plus 3 days, meaning it can be a maximum of 5 days from their place of business," explained Selly.

Selly also underlined that the additional father's leave was given with a note of husband's assistance to a wife who had just given birth and also her baby. Husbands have obligations such as maintaining the health of their wives and children, having to meet balanced nutritional needs and accompanying their wives and children when fulfilling health services.

"On 5 days of leave, there is a note. Not just being given leave, it's still good to relax. But you have to maintain the health of your wife and children. Support the provision of Exclusive breast milk," he said.

"The most important thing is that there is a guarantee of services and health insurance that must be given to mothers and children," continued Selly.

Dr. Reisa also mentioned the stigma in society that has been building that taking care of children is the duty of a wife. Selly said that the MCH Bill would break the stigma.

"So in this MCH Bill, the father will play a role in parenting and children's growth and development. Because father plays an important role in the golden age of children, including when a newborn is born," he explained.

According to Selly, there is a clause in the MCH Bill that raising children is a responsibility with parents and mothers. Starting from preparing everything before pregnancy such as maintaining and checking conditions during pregnancy planning, then when the mother is pregnant, until the time the mother gives birth and after giving birth to the mother breastfeeding.

How can a father pay attention to children's growth and development. Then care for, care for, educate, provide good nutrition, then seek a healthy environment. Also ensuring that the fulfillment of children's rights is the responsibility of mothers and fathers. So if you say that mothers are only domestic matters, it is the wrong stigma, "explained Selly.

He added that culture-culturals like this must be changed in public spaces and business spaces with good literacy and education. One of them, said Selly, is through the KIA Bill which is the initiative of the DPR.

"In addition to assistance for husbands is the best gift for mothers and all families in Indonesia," he said.

In the live IG, Dr. Reisa also conveyed a number of questions from netizens for the DPR RI regarding the MCH Bill. One of them is about assistance for mothers who do not get a proper share of maternity leave.

"There is a question from Dewi Marta, about if there is a violation such as maternity leave that is not given as it should be, can it be reported?" asked Dr. Reisa representing the IG live audience's question.

Selly then gave a firm answer to the question that was quite a lot asked by the community, especially the working mother.

"If for example things happen like that, in the law, we will provide legal assistance for mothers who experience discrimination about such leave rights," he said.

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