
SemarANG - Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu said the obstacles faced by the drainage system were the accumulation of waste and sedimentation or silt.

"I see the drainage is in good condition. But this is a waste problem. So this wants to make any drainage as good as possible, as long as the garbage is piled up, the sediment is not taken, it's the same," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 12.

This was conveyed by Ita, Hevearita's nickname, after attending the opening ceremony of the TNI Manunggal to Build Phase II Village (TMMD) at Merbau Field, Banyumanik, Semarang.

According to him, the steps to be taken are increased drainage treatment through the Semarang City Public Works Service (DPU) which holds the main duties and related functions.

Ita will instruct the UPTD for Road Maintenance and Drainage under the Semarang City DPU, both Region I, Region II, Region III, and Region IV to routinely carry out maintenance in their respective areas.

Although the drainage conditions in Semarang City are good, the treatment needs to be improved.

"The Semarang City Government has also added heavy equipment such as 'backhoe', trucks to routinely carry out the lifting of sediments. Currently, we are also helping dredging times, including Babon River," he said.

"This is in accordance with the aspirations of residents who say the sediment there is already high. Then the normalization of the Tenggang River. We have had a meeting with the Ministry of PUPR, there will also be improvements there," he continued.

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