
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, explained the reasons for the undiscussed Draft Law (RUU) on Asset Confiscation by the DPR, after receiving a Presidential Letter (Surpres) some time ago.

"The DPR is focusing on being able to complete the existing bills in their respective commissions, a maximum of two bills are completed in one year," said Puan as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 11.

This was conveyed by Puan, when asked why the Surpres for the Asset Confiscation Bill had not been read out at the DPR Plenary Meeting.

According to him, Commission III is currently focusing on discussing three bills. Discussion of additional bills can be carried out, if it has completed a maximum of two bills.a

It is known that the three bills that are being discussed in Commission III are the Bill on Civil Procedure Law, the Bill on the Second Amendment to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, and the Bill on the Fourth Amendment to Law Number 24 of 2023 concerning the Constitutional Court.

Some time ago, Puan admitted that the DPR had received a Surpres regarding the Asset Confiscation Bill.

"The DPR has received the presidential decree, later we will discuss it according to the mechanism," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/5).

Meanwhile, the Secretary-General of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, said that the Presidential Letter (Surpres) on the Asset Confiscation Bill had been sent to the DPR, which was received on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

According to the mechanism, the Surpres was reported in advance in a plenary meeting, before being brought to the leadership meeting and deliberation body (Bamus).

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed a Presidential Order (Supres) regarding the Asset Confiscation Bill (RUU) related to Criminal Acts. The presidential decree numbered R-22/Pres/05/2023 was sent to the DPR on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

"We hereby submit the Draft Law on Asset Confiscation related to Criminal Acts to be discussed at the People's Representative Council Session of the Republic of Indonesia, in order to obtain approval with top priority," wrote the President in the Presidential Decree numbered R-22/Pres/05/2023.

Furthermore, President Jokowi assigned the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly, Attorney General St Burhanuddin, and Head of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to discuss the bill.

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