
JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, attended the Universitas Open (UT) Graduation and invited thousands of graduates to straighten out the unfair stigma towards this university. Moeldoko emphasized that the negative perception of UT as a low-quality college should be corrected.

At the Universitas Open Graduation for the Second Period of the Academic Year 2022/2023 which took place at Universitas Terbuka Convention Center (UTCC), Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang, on Tuesday 11 July, Dr. Moeldoko, who is also a graduate of the UT Government Science Study Program and Chairman of the UT Alumni Association (IKA) for the 2019-2024 period, conveyed an important message to graduates.

Moeldoko stated that in order to change the negative view of UT, graduates must prove their quality and contribution by making significant changes. He revealed the "Recept of 3M Leadership" in his book, M-Leadership, namely "Move (moving), Motivate (motivated), Make Different (made differences)". According to him, the bold move to take action is key in building motivation and changing people's perceptions.

Dr. Moeldoko gave an example of his personal experience in overcoming poverty and achieving the position he is currently achieving. He encouraged UT graduates not to be afraid to take initiatives and move forward, as well as to build their motivations. This will help them to make positive differences and get proper recognition.

UT graduates this time involved 1,716 graduates from various levels of education, ranging from diplomas, undergraduate degrees, to postgraduates, who came from various regions.

This event has the theme "Bangkit Moves with UT PTN BH" and features Bambang Soesatyo, Chairman of the MPR RI, as an honorary graduate who graduated from the Faculty of Law, Social Science and Political Science (PHISIP).

It is hoped that the awarding of this honorary title will inspire Moeldoko and change the negative perception of UT.

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