
SOLO - Pura Mangkunegaran Solo is preparing to hold a cultural tradition on the night of 1 Sura, which is routinely carried out every year.

"Next week (the implementation). We are coordinating together with the Mayor (Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka)," said KGPAA Mangkunegara X after meeting with the Mayor at Surakarta City Hall, reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

He conveyed that the implementation of cultural traditions on the night of 1 Suraterus was fixed for the good of guests and local residents.

"We tidy up things that are not perfect, we fix them, including security," he said.

KGPAA Mangkunegara X invited the Mayor to attend a cultural event on the night of 1 Sura, but could not convey in detail other figures who were invited to the event.

"We are open, we will see later. Last year, the Governor (Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo) was also (invited)," he said.

Gibran plans to attend the Sura 1 night event organized by Mangkunegaran Temple.

He has also received an invitation from the Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace to attend a similar event.

"I was also present as a guest. It has nothing to do with politics," he said.

He conveyed that the implementation of night's 1 Sura tradition was part of an effort to preserve Javanese culture.

"The point is that everyone can attend, who has the work of the Solo Palace and Mangkunegaran Temple," he said.

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