
JAKARTA - Tanah Abang Market Blok G, Central Jakarta, is increasingly neglected and missed the supervision of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The market function of Block G as a place to buy and sell clothes under the auspices of Perumda Pasar Jaya, now only memories.

It is suspected that the market area has now changed its function to a gathering place for drug users and a drinking party (Miras).

DT (45) one of the traders said that many kiosks in the Tanah Abang market Block G were closed, such as on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The closure of this merchant's stall has actually changed its function to a negative direction.

"In the afternoon and evening on the 2nd and 3rd floors, there are many criminals, such as thugs, robbery and even using drugs there," said DT to reporters at the Tanah Abang market Blok G, Central Jakarta, Thursday, July 6.

DT said the presence of thugs and drug users at the location was very disturbing. It is hoped that the police and the market can take action against thugs and drug users at that location.

"If they can be arrested, this is very disturbing for traders," he said.

In the same place, another clothing trader RU said that activities on the 2nd and 3rd floors began when the market was closed. There are actually many traders in Block G who know but do not dare to report.

"Di takut di sini pedagang melapor, kan kita di sini ada los. Kalau kita lapor yang ada kita nanti terganggu bahkan nanti pihak pasar bisa mengurangkan pedagang," katanya.

Meanwhile, based on observations, the loss on the second floor did not show any activity of the traders. On the 2nd and 3rd floors, broken glass used for liquor (alcohol) and bottle caps were found. Not only that, but bongs or shabu suction devices were found along with plastic clips of the rest of the use of methamphetamine.

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