
Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah instructed regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to act quickly or to anticipate potential flooding in response to the emergence of calls regarding extreme weather in early July.

"Not only throwing rain water but also having to be able to develop infiltration areas and water catchment. This must focus on becoming the current work," said Arief in Tangerang, Tuesday, July 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

Arief's statement is related to information from the BMKG regarding the existence of extreme weather from July 1-5, 2023, so there needs to be an effort to anticipate what is being done.

In addition, Arief also asked that the reforestation movement be optimized in helping to cope with flooding as well as reducing air pollution.

"That's why we really need cooperation and collaboration between us and the community. OPD must create programs that can be collaborated to overcome environmental problems," he said.

Then Arief also appealed to the public to always maintain and care for the surrounding environment and employees to prepare preventive efforts to respond to these indications of extreme weather.

"I ask all City Government employees, especially related OPD-OPD, PU, DLH, sub-districts and sub-districts to regularly hold cleaning activities in the environment. Especially in water channels, drainage and other open channels so that there is no blockage of rainwater runoff," he said.

The Head of the Tangerang City PUPR Service, Ruta, added that all officers had been instructed to clean the waterways, including to residential alleys.

Several locations that have become inundation points have also been cleaned, including pump equipment in the event of extreme weather such as heavy rain. "We do cleaning all drainage channels," he said.

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