
JAKARTA - Investigators from the Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have upgraded the status of handling cases of alleged blasphemy committed by the caretaker of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, PanjiGumilang to the investigation stage.

Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said the title of the case was carried out after his party asked for clarification from Panji Gumilang.

"After the investigation, investigators have carried out the case title. The conclusion of the case title that this case from investigation was raised to an investigation," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.

After raising the status of case handling, he said, his party began to carry out investigation efforts.

Until now, he said, investigators had examined four witnesses, then five expert witnesses, and the reported Panji Gumilang.

"This is enough to believe that there is a criminal act," he said.

In examining Panji Gumilang's clarification, his party asked the caregiver Al Zaytun 26 questions. The question is about Al Zaytun's history, the organizational structure of the foundation and the circulation of videos that are the subject of public questions.

"The person concerned (Panji) answered all and admitted that what was in the video was true was his'statement' and it was true what was done by the person concerned," he said.

The examination process for Panji Gumilang took place from 14.00 WIB to 22.00 WIB. Then the investigation corrected the results of the examination.

"The person concerned finished the examination at around 10 pm, then corrected the results of the examination he submitted. And earlier we saw that at 23.00 we had given him, returned to return to the residence concerned," said Djuhadhani.

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