JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia said the millennial generation dominated voters in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) with a total of 68,822,389 people or 33.60 percent of the total fixed voter list (DPT). The members of the Indonesian KPU Betty Epsilon Idroos in the open plenary meeting of the national level DPT recapitulation for the 2024 General Election said that Gen X followed in the second position with 57,486,482 people or 28.07 percent. "For them baby boomers, as many as 13.73 percent, pre-boomer as much as 1,74 percent, then Gen Z as much as 22.85 percent," Betty said in the Main Session Room of the Indonesian KPU Office, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday 2 July. The number of DPT 2024 Elections with Gen Z categories was 46,800,161 people, baby boomers were 28,127,340 people, and pre-boomer was 3,570,850 people. Furthermore, Betty detailed the number of DPTs based on age. Voters with ages 40 years and older became the highest for the 2024 Election, namely 98,48,775 people or 48,07 percent. Followed by voters aged 17 to 30 years as many as 63,953,031 people or 31,23 percent and 31 to 40 years old voters as many as 42,398,719 people or 20,70 percent. Meanwhile, the number of voters was at least 17 years of age and below. "Usia is under 17 years old because it is already married 0.003 percent (6,697 voters)," said Betty.Betty also mentioned the number of recapitulations of the 2024 Election DPT as much as 204.807,222. This number consists of 203,056,748 voters in the country and 1,750,474 voters overseas.
He explained that the number of male voters, both domestically and abroad, was 102,218,503 people, while female voters were 102,588,719.
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