JAKARTA Based on IQAIR data, the air quality in Jakarta during Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijri looks improving, and is in 26th position in the city with the worst air quality and city pollution in the world. "The capital city's air quality is relatively improving during the Eid al-Adha holiday and long weekends," said DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH) Spokesperson Yogi Ikhwan, Antara, Thursday, June 29. The decline in the rating, Yogi said because the mobility of private vehicles in DKI Jakarta is relatively reduced. "We can maintain that rating if we switch to public transportation," said Yogi. Air quality in Jakarta reached AQI US 127 with the current PM2.5 Jakarta concentration level at the level of 46.2 phleg/m3.
Previously, Jakarta had held the third position as the worst air quality city in the world. In fact, the air quality in Jakarta on Monday, June 19 held the first position as the worst air quality city in the world. Jakarta's air quality rating is currently on the orange indicator referring to unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups.
Meanwhile, red indicators refer to unhealthy air quality compared to other cities in the world, then purple is very unhealthy, black dangerous, green both and medium yellow. Index score in the 0-50 range means having good air quality, while the 51-100 range means moderate air quality and a range of 101-150 unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups. The next, unhealthy air quality has a range of 151-200, then the air quality is very unhealthy in the range 201-300 and the quality of dangerous air has a range of more than 301. Provincial Government (Pemprov) DKI Jakarta continues to improve efforts to reduce pollution sources in the capital city to suppress poor air quality. "Some policies to deal with declining air quality include increasing emission test activities, emission supervision from the industrial sector and also coordinating for tightening odd-even policies in Jakarta," said Head of DKI Jakarta Environmental Service (DLH) Asep Kuswanto in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday.
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