
JAYAPURA - The joint SAR team evacuated two of the eight crew members (ABK) KM Farida Indah who were found by KM Nagoya 02 in Timika waters, Mimika Regency, Central Papua.

Head of Operations for the Timika Search and Rescue Office, Charles Y. Batlajery, said that two crew members of KM Farida Indah were found safe, after information from the Indonesian Navy post guard officers.

The two crew members who survived were Bakri and Ahmad alias Muti who were found, Monday (26/6).

After receiving the report, the joint SAR team headed to KM Nagoya 02, which is approximately 80 noticalmiles from the Poumako estuary, Timika.

Reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

"To reach the location of KM Nagoya 02, it takes about 10 hours to travel and immediately evacuate the two crew members," said Charles Batlajery.

From the statements of the two crew members, it was revealed that the ship they were traveling in sank after being hit by the waves shortly after leaving Poumako Port.

KM Farida Indah, who was carrying building materials carrying eight crew members, reportedly sailed from Timika since Monday (19/6) at 09.30 WIT and was scheduled to arrive in Agats Tuesday (20/6) at 16.00 WIT, but as of Thursday (22/6) there was no news so it was reported to the Timika SAR Post.

"The six crew members of KM Farida Indah who have not been found are Babak (50 years), Andi Suwardi (50 years), Doni (40), Abdul (40), Undin and Defi," said Charles Batlajery.

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