
JAKARTA - AG's child lawyer will consider submitting a Review (PK) behind the 3.5-year prison sentence in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora.

Originally, AG had taken cassation legal steps. However, the Supreme Court (MA) refused and confirmed the sentence of imprisonment for 3.5 years.

"PK, we are considering PK's efforts," said AG's attorney, Mangata Toding Allo to reporters, Tuesday, June 27.

However, it was not clearly explained what became the consideration of the AG camp to decide whether to apply for a PK or not.

Mangata actually conveyed his client's activities while languishing in the Tangerang Special Child Development Institute (LPKA). AG is said to follow the rules well.

"At LPKA he must have been in detention at 5 pm, at 7 am he was only allowed to leave. There were activities determined by the LPK there," he said.

In addition, AG is also said to be the first girl to be placed in LPKA Tangerang. However, a few days later there were other girls who were also placed there.

"Yes, at first, but someone followed a few days later, AG became the first girl at LPKA Tangerang," said Mangata.

As a reminder, AG is a defendant in the case of the persecution of David Ozora. He was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.

In the process of the case's journey, AG has filed legal resistance through appeals to cassation. However, the panel of judges who try always decides to strengthen the court's decision at the first level.

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