JAKARTA - Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati hopes that the autopsy results carried out on the body of Pastor Flo can prove the truth transparently so that the legal process runs maximally in accordance with statutory regulations. "The case that occurred to the late Pastor Flo received great attention and demands from the public demanding transparency in the cause of the death of the late Pastor Flo," said Minister of PPPA Bintang Puspayoga, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27. The late Pastor Flo is suspected of experiencing domestic violence (KDRT) which caused death and is currently under investigation after an exhumation of the excavation of the body by the Police Inafis team together with the Maluku Police team on May 4, 2023 to provide legal certainty. Meanwhile, the autopsy process takes four to eight weeks to get accurate results. The Minister of PPPA expressed his appreciation to the entire team and regional apparatus involved in the investigation and autopsy process of Pastor Flo's body. His party welcomes both the Maluku Police who are quick to handle cases of violence against women and children, one of which is in the case of Pastor Flo. "This is a form of state presence in the context of protection and fulfillment of the rights of women and children who are victims of violence which we must ensure that the implementation of law enforcement takes place real and sustainably," he said.
He said that the settlement of cases of violence against women and children is often faced with challenges such as obstacles to the legal process in terms of non-responsive and unspective evidence of victims. The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) to ensure that the law enforcement process at the investigation level runs in accordance with applicable regulations, said Bintang Puspayoga.
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