BANYUMAS - Banyumas Police Satreskrim immediately named a suspect in the case of finding a baby skeleton buried on the land of a former fish pond on the banks of the Banjaran River, Tanjung Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java.
"We have arrested the perpetrator with the initials R (57), a resident of Tanjung Village, South Purwokerto District, Banyumas, who is the biological father of sister E (25) whom we secured three days ago," said Head of the Banyumas Police, Kompol Agus Supriadi Siswanto when giving a press statement in Purwokerto, Banyumas, as reported by Antara, Monday, June 26.
R was arrested by Banyumas Police Satreskrim officers in the Banyumas sub-district on Sunday, June 25. Based on the results of the examination, continued Agus, the perpetrator admitted that he had killed the baby as a result of his blood relationship or inses with E, who was his biological child since 2012.
In fact, he continued, R, who daily becomes a traditional medicine shaman, admitted that the four skeletons found by the police from June 15-21 were the babies he had killed.
"Finally, the perpetrator said that there were three more skeletons that were still at the crime scene (TKP). This means that a total of seven skeletons are at the TKP," he explained.
The seven baby skeletons are children of the inbreeding relationship between R and E who were killed from 2013 to 2021.
According to him, the newborns were killed by R by smothering and wrapped in cloth to be buried on the former pond area near the river.
Furthermore, Kasatreskim said E was the biological child of R from his third wife who was married in a serial manner.
"Perpetrator R has three wives, but the first and second wives have been divorced. The first wife is officially married, while the second and third wives are married to siri," he said.
According to him, E's mother could not do anything when she found out what R was doing because he was threatened with death. His party is still investigating the case and will immediately identify the suspect.
"For R, he is still the perpetrator, maybe this afternoon we will determine him as a suspect, while sister E is a victim witness," he asserted.
The disclosure of the case began with the discovery of objects suspected of being human bones by two workers, Slamet (50) and Purwanto (44) on Thursday, June 15 while leveling the former pond land that Prasetyo Utomo had just purchased (42), a resident of Tanjung Village RT 01 RW 02, South Purwokerto District, Banyumas, about three months ago.
South Purwokerto Sector Police (Polsek) officers together with the Banyumas Police Inafis Team and the South Purwokerto Health Center who came to the location on Thursday (15/6) afternoon immediately conducted a crime scene (TKP) and collected objects suspected of being human bones to be taken to Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto.
Based on the results of a forensic examination conducted by a team from the Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital together with the Banyumas Police, these findings are known as bones or baby skeletons.
One week later, Thursday (21/6), the police again found three baby skeletons around the location of the first discovery, and followed up by securing a woman with the initials E (25) who was allegedly closely linked to the findings.
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