
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded voters not to be complacent with the appearance of a candidate for leader. You can't choose one figure just because of the face but put forward a track record.

This was conveyed by Megawati at the peak of the Bung Karno Month commemoration (BBK) at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK), Jakarta, Saturday, June 24.

"If the leader actually has to be seen physically and mentally, not physically," said Megawati.

Megawati understands that the public has the right to choose anyone who runs in the General Election (Pemilu). However, education must be given so that you don't make the wrong choice because leading Indonesia needs experience.

Moreover, he was once unelected because the public prefers candidates who have a physical appearance. He said this experience occurred when he wanted to run as a presidential candidate.

"Efficient leaders are needed, both in legislative and executive institutions. visionary leadership is wise, wise and has a good track record of achievement, and is rooted. This is the most important thing, rooted in grassroots," he said.

"That's why use your voting rights as well as possible," continued the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Furthermore, Megawati mentioned about Ganjar Pranowo, who has been appointed as the PDIP presidential candidate. He said the white-haired figure would continue the work of the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Pak Ganjar Pranowo will continue to fight with President Jokowi in empowering demographic bonuses to accelerate the progress of the nation," he concluded.

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