
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is drafting a Presidential Regulation (Raperpres) to accelerate the implementation of Agrarian Reform.

In the Raperpres, there will be a regulatory breakthrough, namely the provision of 20 percent of the Land of Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA) in forest areas.

Director General (Dirjen) of Agrarian Arrangement of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Dalu Agung Darmawan said the Agrarian Reform program had been running but there were still obstacles in the Redistribution of Land from the release of forest areas.

Therefore, he said, it is necessary to update and adjust regulations that can accommodate and be a solution to existing obstacles.

"We know that the Raperpres related to Agrarian Reform was discussed yesterday at the State Secretariat, hopefully it will be completed soon. This regulation can provide us with an understanding mode, what are our challenges, especially those related to the land of transmigration and forest areas," said Dalu in a written statement, Friday, June 23, confiscated by Antara.

TORA's redistribution from the release of forest areas is currently mostly in West Kalimantan.

Head of the West Kalimantan Provincial BPN Regional Office Andi Tenri Abeng said the achievement was the result of good synergy with relevant stakeholders.

He hopes that this achievement can be an example for other provinces how to carry out Land Redistribution from the release of forest areas.

"Currently we have issued a Land Redistribution certificate, which is 35,917 fields or 28,796.26 hectares, approximately 10.79 percent of the existing targets," said Andi Tenri Abeng.

Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Spatial Planning and Land of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Kartika Listriana conveyed the background of the preparation of the Raperpres on Agrarian Reform, including considering how to overcome fundamental problems in the implementation of Agrarian Reform and strengthening regulatory materials to accelerate the resolution of agrarian conflicts.

Furthermore, the reason for the preparation of the Raperpres on Agrarian Reform aims to optimize institutional roles; integrate aspects of community empowerment and access; as well as perfect the material for regulating the implementation of Agrarian Reform.

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