The prosecutor demanded that the panel of judges charge the Director of CV Agro Biobriket and Briket (ABB) Lalu Irham to pay Rp27.7 billion in state losses that appeared in the corruption case of the People's Business Credit Fund Distribution (KUR) program in East Lombok Regency. "Demanding that the panel of judges charge the defendant Lalu Irham to pay compensation for state losses amounting to Rp27.7 billion," said Dian Purnama representing the public prosecutor team in the trial of the defendant Lalu Irham's demands at the Corruption Court. quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 22. If the defendant is unable to pay within a period of 1 month from the time the decision has permanent legal force, he asserted, then his party will confiscate and auction off the defendant's property to cover the replacement money. "The amount of Rp27.7 billion is the result of reducing debtors' insurance claims by Rp1.4 billion, paying 14 debtors worth Rp476 million, and the remaining balance on debtors' accounts worth Rp7.9 million," he said. Prosecutors in the charges also requested that the panel of judges impose a sentence of 14 years in prison and a fine of Rp500 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison. The prosecutor assessed that the defendant did not support the government's program in recovering the national economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the actions The defendant, not only the state, but the community, in this case, are farmers. "The mitigating thing is that the defendant has never served a sentence of punishment," he said. The prosecutor's demands refer to the primary indictment that regulates the criminal rule Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. The KUR Fund Distribution Program takes place in the year The 2021'2022 budget. 789 farmers are included as debtors. The total budget disbursed is IDR 29.95 billion. Corruption problems arise in the distribution of 779 corn farmers in East Lombok Regency. The budget for 779 debtors is an assessment of audit experts as a total loss (total loss). In this case, another defendant, namely Amiruddin as the former Head of BNI Mataram Branch, is responsible for the distribution of aid sourced from the ministry. bank sector channeling through CV ABB which is an intermediary company owned by the defendant Lalu Irham. However, assistance for farmers in East Lombok Regency was not distributed, but entered into the accounts of another company owned by Lalu Irham, namely PT Mitra Universal Group (MUG). The company was revealed as if it was appointed by CV ABB as a distributor of agricultural production facilities (sapprotan) for aid recipient farmers. The budget disbursed is only distributed to farmers Tobacco in Central Lombok Regency. For the allocation of farmers in East Lombok Regency, it was revealed that at the trial Lalu Irham had been used personally.
During the trial, it was revealed that Lalu Irham not only enjoyed himself, but there was evidence of distribution of money to a number of parties, one of whom was named Krisbiantoro, who received regular remittances with a total of Rp. 13 billion. Krisbiantoro, in the facts of the trial, was revealed as the party who helped and promised to save Lalu Irham from the case.
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