JAMBI - The Operational Team of the Jambi City Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested two suspects who had a dog on a motorbike whose video went viral.
"The two perpetrators are HG (20) and MT (24) who are suspected of playing a role as motorcycle jockeys and dragging them," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jambi Police, Kompol Indar Wahyu, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.
Both were arrested on Wednesday (21/6), after an investigation and checking CCTV.
According to the suspects, the dragged dog was stolen from the Talang Banjar Village area, near the Waste Disposal Site.
"Furthermore, the perpetrator of MT, ensnared the dog with a snare, then dragged on a motorbike," he said.
After dragging the dog, the perpetrators sold it to a tuak shop. Both admitted that they had the heart to drag the dog because they were afraid of being bitten.
The two perpetrators are subject to Article 302 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of nine years in prison.
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