The National Police Chief Reminded The Police Not To Be Anti-Critic, Must Be Transparent
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo / DOK PHOTO: Police Public Relations


JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reminded his staff to change in the midst of the digital era of hyperconnectivity (connectivity in the digital world) by leaving the habit of maintaining a comfort zone.

"I say, leave a habit that maintains a comfort zone. The Police must change. Because that is the only step that can be taken. Efforts can be made so that the Police do not roll up the existing situation," said Sigit as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.

The National Police Chief said that the National Police has the main task of maintaining, maintaining security, public order, protecting, serving, and enforcing the law.

The task, he said, is now facing tough challenges in the daily lives of the National Police. On the other hand, the police must carry out their duties to oversee government policies so that Indonesia can successfully go to Indonesia Gold 2045.

"The National Police is faced with the dynamics of operational activities which of course besides there are things that can be considered positive and negative when there are irregularities in the digital era of 'hyperconnectivity'," he said.

Another challenge, said Sigit, is the era of "citizen journalism" where every community becomes a source of news so that all police activities can no longer be hidden because they can be highlighted, both positive and negative.

"This is a risk in today's era. Therefore, of course what we can do is that the Police must prepare themselves as a modern organization, be ready to open up, accept corrections, and of course not anti-criticism," said Sigit.

Sigit emphasized that the National Police continues to strive to improve the level of public trust, one of which is through the "Quick Wins" Program.

Therefore, the National Police Chief thanked his staff for trying to increase public trust in the Police.

The National Police is currently, he continued, not afraid to be monitored because it is open. In fact, they are not afraid to bring the community if they have problems in the police, they can report them to Kompolnas.

"We bring people who are having problems at the National Police to bring us Kompolnasguna to show that nothing is covered up by the police, neutral police, and transparent police," said Sigit.

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