
CENTRAL PAPUA - Papua's Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) released 62 protected birds into the Kuala Kencana forest area, Kuala Kencana District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua on Saturday 17 June.

"The 62 animals were translocated from the Central Kalimantan BKSDA (Central Kalimantan) and also the DKI Jakarta BKSDA on June 1, 2023," said Head of the Conservation Section Region II Timika Bambang H. Lakuy in Jayapura, Papua, Sunday, June 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to Lakuy, all animals have undergone habituation for more than two weeks so that they are declared ready to be released into the wild.

The types of animals released were five king cockatoos (probosciger aterrimus), 21 chef cockatoos (cacatua Galerita), 33 black head casturi (lorius lory) two spinach (eclecture rotatus) and one Papuan slaughter (cractic cassiccus).

He explained that there were four considerations for choosing illegal release locations in the Kuala Kencana forest area, namely habitat suitability, security from human disturbances, availability of natural feed and also accessibility, including for monitoring purposes after illegal release.

"The Kuala Kencana forest can meet all these criteria so that it becomes a representative location for the release of the 64 aves," he said.

Die said that the activity of releasing protected birds or investors was supported by PT. Freeport Indonesia.

SVP Geo-Engineering and Environmental PT. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Ardhyn Yuniar said his party supports Papuan endemic animals.

"We will continue to collaborate with all parties to support efforts to conserve biodiversity in the Land of Papua and we will also continue to support BBKSDA Papua to repatriate protected animals to their habitat," he said.

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