The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Polda Metro Jaya conducted a special case related to the death of the motorcycle rider MSP (34), after being hit and run over by a car driver (24) in the Cakung area, East Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/6).
Deputy Director of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Doni Hermawan said the title of this special case involved the ranks of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya.
"Yes, we are currently holding a case again specifically by re-engaging the Ditreskrimum," Doni said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 17.
Doni explained that the special case title was carried out to review the construction of the article to be imposed on the suspect.
"To reconstruct whether it can be charged with Article 338 (murder) because initially this was a traffic accident. But in examining witnesses and evidence, we also see potential murder articles," he explained.
Doni explained that in this case there was an element of intent that made someone die.
Doni said that later this case would be handled by the Polda Metro Jaya. However, until now the delegation of the case is still in progress.
"The element is that it intends to Article 11 paragraph 5. But we will see if there is a potential for the element to take life. We can see that the perpetrator has deliberately crashed and already knows the consequences caused. We will function Article 338 of the Criminal Code in the process in the near future. this can be delegated," he said.
As previously reported, the perpetrator of the hit-and-run at the entrance to the Cakung-Kelapa Gading Toll Road, East Jakarta with the initials OS (26) which resulted in the death of motorcyclist Moses Bagus Prakoso (34), being threatened with a maximum sentence of six years in prison.
"The perpetrator is threatened with Article 310 paragraph 4 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. The maximum penalty is six years," said East Jakarta Traffic Unit Head Iptu Darwis Yunarta at the East Jakarta Traffic Unit office, Cakung, Thursday (15/6).
However, until now the police are still investigating the motive of the perpetrators, while the evidence in the form of a silver Toyota Avanza has been secured.
The investigation was carried out, said Darwis, in order to fulfill the stages of determining the suspect.
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